Pastoral Care for Life's Losses


Father Charles Vavonese, M.Div., M.Ed., CAS

About this Video

Often people think of loss only in terms of the death of a loved one. Actually, there are many other kinds of losses that people experience in their lives, all of these losses have some similar dynamics. This video will sensitize Pastoral Care Ministers to the spectrum of these losses that the people they visit may encounter and suggest appropriate pastoral care to assist those they visit to deal with these losses, and heal the hurts that these losses inflict so that they may go on to live the “New normal” that their lives will present.


Key Concepts

  • What is loss? What does it feel like?
  • What are the variety of losses that people experience in their lives?
  • What determines how people react to loss?
  • The similarity feelings people experiencing loss have to Elizabeth Kubler-Ross’ Stages of Death and Dying and appropriate pastoral care at each stage.
  • The importance of Pastoral Care Ministers affirming and validating the feelings of those experiencing loss so that they might heal and begin to live a “New normal.”
  • An example of the pastoral care that might be provided to an individual dealing with the loss of health, due to receiving the difficult diagnosis of diabetes.
  • An example of the pastoral care that might be provided to an individual dealing with the loss of employment.